Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why Everyone Should Give Gluten Free Eating A Try

Gluten is a protein that has been in the human diet since agriculture began more than 10,000 years ago. Domesticated wheat was noted first with barley cultivation following.
Gluten is the term for the storage protein or “glue” that gives a stretchy texture and supple taste in the cereal grains, wheat, barley and rye, when kneaded into dough to make baked goods. Many medical personnel believe there is a certain level of gluten sensitivity in most people.  The goal is to see if gluten free eating will help with any of these common complaints, so if you have any of the following issues consider giving it a try.
Regular or Occasional Gastrointestinal Disturbances:
Eating a gluten free diet may help the digestive track stay regulated. You may notice a decrease in excess gas, less bloating after meals and an overall sense of normality in your gut. As a result you will have more energy and feel better as well.
Frequent Headaches or Migraines:
  People with frequent haedaches or migrains often report digestive troubles, again gas & bloating. According to Health Day News, after switching to GFE a significant decrease in symptoms is reported, often with headaches and migraines going away all together.
Stubborn Weight Gain:
Due to the nature of the foods you will be now eating, an overall healthier diet will be the result. A gluten free diet is rich in foods that provide more essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This also may help you fight off some minor illnesses such as the common cold. Processed foods have to go and with them their chemicals and artificial flavors. You will be eating foods as close to their natural state as possible, which will help you loose weight.

So give it a try, start slow and monitor how you feel. Since there are many levels of gluten sensitivity figure out how much gluten is okay for you to feel your best.

One Tip:
If you feel the craving for a fresh baked good opt for a gluten free choice first, it may help you feel satisfied and stay committed to the diet.
To help make a gluten free choice easier use convenient gluten free baking mixes available @www.glutenfreebakingmixes.com

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